Wednesday, November 30, 2011

About Miss Bayleef aka me

I'm actually excited to make this page, cause I've made other pages for when I was going into the wrestling business the backwards way. Right now I'm taking a break from trying to get into the wrestling business. I just want to get things stable right now when it comes to money. I'm also a tutor at a volunteer place. I tutor people the English language who want to learn how to speak it and write it better. Which I love doing cause I'm teaching them and also I'm re-learning the English language rules. I was born and raised in the US. Milwaukee, Wisconsin to be exact.

Also, I'm trying to go back to school and do special effects make-up like cuts, brusies and all that special stuff. But I want to get at least a stable income so I can support myself for living out on my own because I am planning on leaving Milwaukee,WI once I know I am stable enough not to come back to Milwaukee for any reason.

That's not the point this blog was made for me to post random things in my life and post and review make-up products that I find and post make-up looks I do on myself and others. Have I considered a youtube channel? I have but I think it would be hard for me to keep up with. So I would want to start off like this before going to youtube and making a channel to this blog. But it's not out of the question guys. Just want to see how this does before I think of going for youtube.

But if you guys have questions about me please leave a comment below.